Couples Counselling and Sex Therapy


Couples counselling promotes wellness, cooperation and harmony in your relationship. It can move you through difficult moments and towards resolution and trust. A skilled couples therapist can help you feel connected to your partner and align your priorities. Many couples seek out an objective observer to arm them with skills and help them find peace and counselling, your therapist can be an ally for your relationship. 

Trauma-informed, Queer, Kink and Poly-friendly Sex Therapy

Human sexuality is integral for human life. But it remains taboo in our culture and can be problematic for some people, their relationships and how they interact with their environment. People dealing with history of sexual trauma or abuse, sexual dysfunction or any number of sexual concerns could benefit from working with a therapist.  Jane’s philosophy towards practice involves a non-judgmental stance and unconditional positive regard for all clients. Listening to clients, creating empathy and a warm and compassionate environment creates real change through the power of a supportive relationship. 

 -Please feel free to read Jane’s thesis research by clicking here-

Couples/Sex Therapy may be for you if you seek to: 

  • Strengthen communication between partners

  • Restore intimacy in your relationship

  • Better understand your own sexuality and how that impacts the relationships in your life


If you would like more information or to book an appointment, contact us. 

Most insurance plans provide coverage for this service.